Copywriting vs. Content Writing: What's the Difference?

Copywriting vs. Content Writing: What's the Difference?

Copywriting vs. Content Writing: What's the Difference?

Date: June 07, 2022.

If you’ve spent any amount of time in the digital marketing world, you’ve likely heard copywriting vs. content writing mentioned more than once. While the terms are both defined as forms of marketing communication, they’re fundamentally different and serve unique purposes. In the overarching scheme of your marketing strategy, you can’t afford to leave out either form of writing.

Copywriting and content writing aren’t interchangeable. Instead, they’re complimentary. You need both for your business to thrive online. Each writing style has a specific job to do for your business, so let’s jump in to break it all down.

What is Copywriting vs. Content Writing?

In a nutshell, copywriting is a sales tool for your business, while content writing is an educational tool. While sales and education aren’t mutually exclusive, this is a general baseline for what each form of writing is meant to do for you. Copywriting vs. content writing function in different ways to introduce leads to your brand and move them through your sales funnel.

Think of it this way:

  • Copywriting prompts your loyal followers to take an action now.
  • Content writing helps them gather information, learn, and build trust in your brand so they confidently can take action later.
  • Content writing and copywriting function together in a loop, of sorts. Your content drives leads to a sales page (which contains copy), for example. In addition, your copywriting may drive leads to get more information via your content before they buy.

Source: Copywriting vs Content Writing: What You Need To Know

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